In this article, we share with you the olive harvesting process in Provence, specifically at Domaine Jòlibois. The cultural importance of the olive tree takes a place in its own right in the Provençal art of living. Cultivated for thousands of years, the olive tree is a tree deeply rooted in the Mediterranean basin. Planted in Provence by the Greeks, the olive tree adapts wonderfully to our Provençal terroir. Summers are hot and dry while mild winters envelop our olive grove in this climate favorable to its good development.
The ancient Greeks considered olive oil to be a "sacred" product. And for good reason, olive oil was offered to athletes during the Olympic Games, as an offering. Rich in its history, the olive tree is rooted in the Provençal tradition and remains a symbol of naturalness and the art of living.
Olive varieties: an aromatic richness
Each variety of olive has its own intrinsic characteristics, where the shape, vigor, aromas are unique to it. This period of maturity is important, because we observe a peak of maturity for each variety.
This is why we harvest olive varieties according to their optimum ripeness period. We love to cultivate this uniqueness and we appreciate all its difference.
At Domaine Jòlibois, we highlight each variety of olive, to reveal the best it can offer us.
Olive harvesting: between know-how and modernity
Ancestral know-how, the olive harvest requires respecting the stages.
Generally, the olive harvest takes place from October to December, depending on the maturity of the different varieties of olives.
At Domaine Jòlibois, we started the harvest with two flagship varieties of our region: Grossane and Salonenque.
First of all, we pay attention throughout the year to the proper development of our olive trees. Concerned and meticulous, we closely monitor each stage of the olive trees' vegetative cycle.
In addition, multiple harvesting methods coexist. We explain in detail two ways of harvesting: manual and mechanical harvesting.
Manual harvesting:
A traditional method, manual harvesting involves picking the olives by hand.
Using combs and nets installed on the ground, we harvest the olives according to tradition.
Mechanical harvesting:
Using electric combs and nets, we harvest the olives.
Between efficiency and respect for our olive trees, we can harvest large quantities of olives more quickly in order to preserve optimal quality.
After this step, the olives are transported to the mill quickly in order to preserve all their quality. They must be stored in a cool, dark place before being pressed to obtain the oil, to avoid any oxidation.
Some trees can produce 6 kg of olives although others can reach a production of over 45 kg!
In pictures, we share with you the olive oil production diagram, in order to make this harvest experience immersive for you.
Olive oil or green gold
Spearhead of Provençal gastronomy, olive oil is essential in everyday life. Olive-growing Provence, essential for its typicality and profile, remains an incomparable cultural wealth. This terroir provides a beautiful singularity.
Producing organic, quality olive oils while revealing the beauty of our land is a constant challenge. Olive oil has many benefits, being one of the best vegetable oils.
In detail, discover our organic olive oils from our green fruity to our single-variety vintages.
Between the different fruity ones , or extra virgin or virgin , olive oil offers a unique aromatic palette!
In addition, you can find our recipe suggestions in the newspaper in accordance with our organic olive oils from the Domaine!
For this start of the harvest, we are delighted with the quality of our olives and the oil.
We look forward to introducing you to the new oil! The entire Domaine Jòlibois team thanks you for your support and warm messages!